[LIVE WEBINAR] Understanding Materials’ Impact on Performance of Helical Wrap-Wire Cabling

On Thursday, January 28, 2021, at 11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, Ulbrich Specialty Wire Products sponsored a live webinar on Understanding Materials’ Impact on Performance of Helical Wrap-Wire Cabling. During the 30 minute webcast hosted by Microwaves&RF, cable manufacturers, product engineers, students and other industry professionals were taught what exactly the microwave and RF cable industry requires from wire components in terms of physical and mechanical properties that impact electrical performance.
Ulbrich understands that there’s a distinct lack of detailed specifications capturing such physical properties, and that lack impacts helical wrap wires and center conductors more than any other wire components. Fast Fourier transfer (FFT) limits are usually not provided for the helical wrap wire, despite their relationship to VSWR in the finished cable. Moreover, mechanical properties are usually defined so broadly that there are issues with “in-spec” material causing the cable to fail from batch to batch.
Ulbrich's product managers and technical team guided viewers through the issues they are facing and explained what capabilities are within their means to address those issues during a live Q&A.
Gain access to the industry's leading wire supplier for microwaves and RF cable materials by watching the recording below, then contact us to discuss your wire needs!